Method OAuthLoginController. handleStep234(...)

The following is documentation for a single method.The full javadocs are the bottom.

Method Information
Method Request Narrowing Description
Path(s) GET/POST Params Headers Content Types
handleStep234(...)/auth/oauthGET code, state The handles steps 2, 3, and 4 of the oauth process after the redirect to oauth provider has occurred back from clicking on the "Login With OAuth" sort of button.

Method Parameters
Method Param Name Request Data Type Required Default Description
handleStep234(...) code Query String true   Authentication code from the oauth provider.
state Query String true   Secret provided in the redirect.

The handles steps 2, 3, and 4 of the oauth process after the redirect to oauth provider has occurred back from clicking on the "Login With OAuth" sort of button.

@param authCode Authentication code from the oauth provider.
@param stateSecret Secret provided in the redirect.

Path summary      Class summary

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