Here's a cool story about how there is a move to have the US postal service deliver local mail in electric trucks. I've had this idea for some time. I should quit my job and make a stab at a conversion kit for the postal trucks. I watch the guy delivering out mail drive 40 feet, stop the engine, get out, put the mail in the box, get back in his truck, start it, and then drive another 40 feet. It would save on pollution, noise, energy, and money.

Besides saving hundreds of millions of dollars in gasoline costs, switching the nation’s 142,000 postal vehicles over to battery power could boost electric-truck development nationwide and provide clean mail delivery for the next century, a new federal study has found.

"Electrification of the Postal Service delivery vehicle fleet is practical, achievable, and desirable, and should be initiated now," concludes a draft study of the vehicle-electrification idea for the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), a five-member body that advises the Postal Service.