Hitachi and Maxell corporations have developed a new chemistry for lithium-ion batteries. This is another example of battery technology innovation / breakthroughs that will improve battery systems. There is some disagreement in the English language press on whether this technology promises 20x the power storage capacity, the discharge rate, or the cycles -- all important. Certainly cheaper battery systems would be a plus and using less rare metals is also the goal. Other sources: Engadget, IT Examiner, Tech Radar.

Hitachi Maxell, along with Nagasaki University, NIAIST, and Fuji Heavy Industries (the parent company of Subaru, makers of the R1e electric car), announced that it has developed a new chemistry for lithium-ion batteries. Part of the change is dropping the expensive cobalt element and using "nano-infused lithium" with manganese (a very Japanese-sounding element! Pictured left.).

The claim: 20 times more power storage [or faster discharge rates], and the ability to mass-produce it inexpensively. Lets hope it's true and that it will get out of the lab quickly. We'd even settle for only 10 times more power storage...