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2.1 How to Install the Library

To configure, compile, and install the library, follow these steps carefully.

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the library available from the home page http://256.com/sources/diskheap/.
  2. Type sh ./configure to configure the library. You may want to first examine the `config.help' file for some information about configure. sh ./configure --help lists the available options to configure. Configure should generate the `Makefile' and configuration files automatically.
  3. You may want to examine the `Makefile' and `conf.h' files created by configure to make sure it did its job correctly.
  4. Typing make should be enough to build the `libdiskheap.a' library. If it does not work and you figure your problem out, please send me some notes so future users can profit from your experiences.
  5. Typing make light should build and run the `diskheap_t' test program through a set of light trials. By default this will execute `diskheap_t' 5 times -- each time will execute 1000 Diskheap operations in a very random manner. Anal folks can type make heavy to up the ante. Use diskheap_t --usage for the list of all `diskheap_t' options.
  6. Typing make install should install the `libdiskheap.a' library in `/usr/local/lib' and the `diskheap.h' include file in `/usr/local/include'. You may have specified a `--prefix=PATH' option to configure in which case `/usr/local' will have been replaced with `PATH'.

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Diskheap Home Page. Copyright 2002 by Gray Watson