Class TestController

The following is documentation for a single class.The full javadocs are the bottom.

Javadoc summary: Little test constructor so we can test out oauth controller.

Method Information
Method Request Narrowing Description
Path(s) GET/POST Params Headers Content Types
objectPost(...)/auth/testPOST Consumes: application/json
Produces: text/html
Demonstration of a method which has a body parameter.
sayHello(...)/auth/testGET Produces: text/html Print our hello world message and display the results from the auth processing.
sayHello(...)/auth/testGET arg Produces: text/html Method that has an overlapping name but with an additional argument.
stringPost(...)/auth/testPOST Consumes: application/json Demonstration of a method which has a body parameter which is just a string.

Little test constructor so we can test out oauth controller.

@author graywatson

Path summary      Class summary

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