
SMS Instant Messenger (AIM/IM/Chat)

I just found out about this so I thought I'd create a page about it. There is a whole bunch of information on the official AIM wireless site it turns out. You can also check out my local copy of the AIM to SMS user guide for a number of cellular providers.

The following commands have been gleaned by sending some SMS messages on my Handspring Treo using T-Mobile GSM service. You can also send a question-mark (?) text message to any of the following numbers and you will get a help message back with more details.

From Treo to Service
# Message Description
4646 screen-name password Send your screen-name, space, and password to sign on to AIM.
4647 off Send a blank text message (or off) to sign off of the AIM service.
4648 screen-name Send a text message specifying the screen-name to add it to your Buddy ListŪ
4649 screen-name Send a text message specifying the screen-name to delete it from your Buddy List.
4650 list Send a blank text message (or list) to get a list of your online friends, family members, and coworkers. 4653 is better.
4651 screen-name Send a text message specifying the screen-name to get an alert when a buddy comes online.
4652 screen-name Send a text message specifying the screen-name to block any exchange of messages or presence information. See 4656.
4653 help Send a blank text message (or help) to display the numbers that should be programmed into your phone book for each command and mobile buddy.
4654 screen-name Send a text message with screen-name, colon, then your message to start a conversation with other AIM users who are not on your buddy list. It may return a list of channels with associated numbers.
4656 screen-name Send a text message specifying the screen-name to allow (or unblock) messages and presence information to a AIM user. See 4652.
From Service to Treo
4655   Used by the system to notify you of a system event.
4650   System notifying you that you have signed on. It should list the users from your Buddy List who are currently Online.
4647   Used by the system to acknowledge your signoff request..
Reply Channels
4601   Start of buddy channels which are associated to screen-names with a message to 4648 and removed with a message to 4649.
4630   Possible end of buddy channels.
4631   Start of unlisted channels. These channels seem to be temporary slots for people who send you a message and are not in your buddy list. They may timeout.
4635   End of unlisted channels.

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