
Endorsements for President 2004

Bush Kerry
The Evansville Courier & Press, Evansville, Ind., endorses Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Bush ... has shown the resolve to make the tough decisions that may be necessary in a war on terror. He may manage more with his heart and his gut than Kerry does, but those two can sometimes be a better guide than pure intellect." The Seattle Times, Seattle, endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We wish Kerry had more clarity. Bush has clarity, but it is the clarity of wrong ideas. Imagine Bush on TV next year, saying we had to invade another country. Could anyone trust him? That may be the best reason for supporting John Kerry."
The Parkersburg News and The Parkersburg Sentinel, Parkersburg, W.Va., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24: -- "For true, effective leadership, Americans should stick with President George W. Bush (news - web sites). ... Voters are presented with a referendum on the incumbent administration, a choice between a tested leader and a challenger whose campaign, because it has revealed very little of what he actually would do, amounts to a lengthy complaint." The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "There are other good reasons to put new management in the White House. But the mess we're stuck with in Iraq is reason enough to vote for John Kerry."
The Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Bluefield, W.Va., endorsed Bush on Oct. 23 -- "We feel the candidate that most closely agrees with our concerns is George W. Bush. And, we readily accept the fact that he is not a perfect match for our index of dilemmas. Machismo in the Oval Office is not our idea of visionary wisdom and celebrated statesmanship, but the bitter campaign rhetoric surely has served some sobering concerns of the voting public." The Herald, Everett, Wash., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Bush says voters can't trust Kerry because he changes his mind too often. We'd prefer a dose of flexibility to stubbornness and arrogance. Bush's record doesn't justify a vote of confidence. It validates a vote for change."
The Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "We have a clear choice for president. We can choose a man who can make decisions and has the courage of his convictions. Or we can chose a man who can't and doesn't. We must choose President George Bush (news - web sites) -- a far from perfect president but the better of the two." The Sun, Bremerton, Wash., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Amidst the distortions and ugly rancor of this campaign, Kerry has proven himself to be a well-informed, clear thinker. His inclination to ruminate over the nuances of issues and his reluctance to hew to sound-bite discourse may make for easy political caricature. But as the debates established, he demonstrates a genuine grasp of the complexities of the problems we face."
The Journal-Standard, Freeport, Ill., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Bush has demonstrated great leadership traits in rallying a shocked nation after Sept. 11, 2001. He showed genuine compassion in grieving with us, while at the same time instilling confidence that we would come back stronger than ever." The Star-Ledger, Newark, N.J., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "John Kerry is more likely to find partners throughout the world than a president who has snubbed 'old Europe,' has abandoned numerous international efforts supported by earlier administrations and even discarded the Geneva Conventions as not applicable to the United States."
The Southern Illinoisan, Carbondale, Ill., endorsed Bush on Oct. 23 -- "In the last four years, President Bush has clearly demonstrated his ability to lead. And, with terrorists attacks looming on the horizon, Americans want and need confidence in a president who can firmly lead and calmly bring the country together." The Olympian, Olympia, Wash., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "What Kerry offers, that President Bush does not, is the hope of building a real global coalition to fight the scourge of terrorism."
The Star Democrat, Easton, Md., endorsed Bush on Oct. 23 -- "George Bush has made the war on terror a priority, as it must be. While there are many other issues challenging our nation and our world just now, and they must be dealt with, they come second." The Las Vegas Sun, Las Vegas, Nev., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "He would be a president who would restore America's respect in the world. There would be a positive resolution to the war in Iraq. Our country would be safer, as our focus on fighting terrorism would not waver. The economy would be more oriented toward ordinary Americans. And Nevada and the country would be far safer without Yucca Mountain."
The Birmingham News, Birmingham, Ala., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "(On) the election's defining issue, the safety and security of this country as we wage war on terror, Kerry's muddled internationalist approach pales compared with Bush's aggressive vision. That alone is reason enough for voters to give George. W. Bush four more years." The Record of Bergen County, Hackensack, N.J., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Mr. Kerry would ... seek to mend the damage the president has done to our alliances and bring back the spirit of global cooperation that has been lost."
Ocala Star-Banner, Ocala, Fla., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "The economy is on the upswing, new jobs are being created and inflation is under control. Our schools are showing steady improvement and the massive federal government is functioning reasonably well. But most important, America and its people are vigilant like never before against the threat of our enemies." The Reno Gazette-Journal, Reno, Nev., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "The choice came down to which candidate best represented the values that Americans hold most dear: compassion for the have-nots and those who feel they have been left out, a dedication to the principles set forth in the Bill of Rights, and a commitment to open government as well as free and open debate. That candidate is Sen. John Kerry."
The Ledger, Lakeland, Fla., endorsed Bush on Oct. 22 -- "President Bush's certain focus on securing the United States by defeating international terrorists, and his devotion to building an economy with the strength to pay for such protection, make him the appropriate choice Nov. 2." The Telegram & Gazette, Worcester, Mass., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "(We) have misgivings about the temperament, leadership qualities and stated agendas of both contenders. In the end, however, we believe the nation would be better served by installing Sen. John F. Kerry in the White House rather than granting the current occupant another four-year lease."
The Forum, Fargo, N.D., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "In a time of war, there is something to be said for a commander in chief who sends clear messages to enemies and potential enemies. The war on terror is as much about potential enemies as it is a clear and present danger. ... Support for the president's re-election need not mean knee-jerk agreement with everything he does. But the measure of a president must be the totality of his service to the nation." The Republican, Springfield, Mass., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Kerry more closely reflects this nation's democratic values and its passion for freedom, equality and choice. Kerry has served the commonwealth with distinction for many years, and he is a native son. That still counts for a lot in our book. We endorse John F. Kerry for president."
The Farmington (N.M.) Daily Times endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "While some may point at hopes to return to the boom of the Clinton years as a reason to support Democrat John Kerry, the world has changed since 2001. ... Today, we are still at war, not just in Iraq (news - web sites), but against an insidious foe \u2014 global terrorism. A strong hand at the helm is needed if we are to prevail against this shadowy threat and Bush has already demonstrated he is capable of that leadership." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pa., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "George W. Bush's approach to the economy has been to take care of the rich, his political base; give the companies run by his campaign contributors free rein; and tell other Americans that his policies will improve their situation, eventually."
Midland (Mich.) Daily News endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Despite what many in the community and nation are saying, we do not believe now is the time for a change in presidential leadership. President Bush has our endorsement ..." The Centre Daily Times, State College, Pa., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Sen. John Kerry offers a thoughtfulness sadly missing in the current administration. ... He promises a more disciplined fiscal policy, expanded health care coverage and better environmental protection."
The Herald-Palladium, St. Joseph, Mich., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Bush holds the best promise to keep taking the fight to terrorists around the globe. We wish he'd have done a number of things differently, but in the end prospects for a safer America are better under Bush than under his opponent. The Rockford Register Star, Rockford, Ill., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Americans are fortunate to have a clear choice in Kerry. ... We believe Kerry has the will and a plan to put this nation back on a course toward prosperity at home and respect and support around the world."
The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "This newspaper has been consistently critical of a number of the president's policies, particularly his war in Iraq, his tax cuts for the rich and his abysmal environmental record. But this election is about two candidates, not one, and Sen. Kerry, other than not being President Bush, offers too little evidence, in either his policy proposals or his proffered ability to lead, that he would more ably address the challenges facing this country at home and abroad." The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We expected him to forge bipartisan solutions to problems while keeping this nation secure and fiscally sound. This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations."
The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- " ... Bush has comparable qualities we think merit his re-election in the midst of this war: clear vision, courage to make difficult decisions and steadfastness to lead in the face of adversity. The Bismarck (N.D.) Tribune endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Kerry's lofty goal of restoring America as a respected powerhouse instead of neighborhood bully is an admirable one, one that would bode well for an agricultural state such as North Dakota, hoping to broaden its export market. ... Bush's finest hour may have been the leadership he showed in the days following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America. But soon that leadership evolved into policies that too often ate into personal freedoms Americans cherish."
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock, Ark., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "This president acts. Even when it is unpopular. Even when it is risky. Even when he must later change course ... The alternative is a candidate whose 20-year record in the United States Senate is bare of any signal or even memorable achievement, and certainly of any great vision." Lansing (Mich.) State Journal endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We reject the president's claim that this country is safer because we invaded Iraq. Mission accomplished? No. Mission diverted. George W. Bush should not be re-elected. We urge voters to elect John Kerry as the nation's 44th president."
The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "A victory for Bush will signal to the world and terrorists that the United States is committed to victory in Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites). A Kerry victory will send an ambiguous signal that may raise doubts about American staying power." The Flint (Mich.) Journal endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Bush, who turned out to be more conservative than compassionate and who has made the nation even more divided, must be held accountable for these failings. John Kerry is the only serious alternative to four more years of this flawed presidency. We are putting our faith in his potential to do better."
The Austin (Texas) American-Statesman endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "President Bush got some things wrong, but there is much he got right. We are faced with an unrelenting foe who strikes from the shadows and won't be deterred by diplomacy or international resolutions. Bush's resolve and commitment to stay the course are clear." Traverse City (Mich.) Record-Eagle endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "It is time to turn to new leadership, leadership that promises to create and lead new worldwide alliances against al-Qaida, that promises to protect our air and water, that promises to heal the deep divisions at home."
Houston Chronicle endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Like many people, Bush finds it difficult to admit a mistake, particularly when under attack on all sides. However, history is replete with instances in which imperfect but confident national leaders proved preferable to cautious, indecisive ones." Times Herald, Port Huron, Mich., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Kerry's appeal is he is not Bush. In him, there is the hope not for a brighter future, but just one that makes a little more sense. The presidency has lost its way. Support for Kerry is a rejection of Bush's failed policies."
Sioux City (Iowa) Journal endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Bush provides the necessary judgment, decisiveness, resolve and vision America needs as we navigate a dangerous, turbulent, challenging period both abroad and at home ... due to Bush and his administration, much has been accomplished and America is safer because of it." The Durango (Colo.) Herald endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "The pendulum of the presidency must swing back in the other direction. It is time to return this country to the leading world role it has held, and make it possible for its citizenry to flourish with a vigorous and properly deployed defense, domestic policy focused on the nation's real needs, and preserving an environment fit for posterity. Our next president should be John Kerry."
The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "Bush would guide the nation with tax policies and leadership plans that are far surer to set America on a path toward economic progress. While Kerry should be admired for his public service and his passion ... his liberal voting record and murky promises leave us too uncertain about American's future with a Kerry White House ...." The Buffalo (N.Y.) News endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Kerry promises to focus our efforts on terrorists who threaten us, protect civil liberties, return fairness to our tax policy and implement a plan to free us from dependence on Persian Gulf oil. That platform merits his election."
The Herald-Journal of Spartanburg, S.C., endorsed Bush on Oct. 24 -- "President George W. Bush is more likely than his opponent to follow the proper policies that will lead this nation to peace and prosperity." The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "Our country is a sadder place than it was on Inauguration Day, 2001, and we attribute it directly to the incompetence of the president. John Kerry is a bright man, a serious and skilled practitioner of the art of government."
The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction, Colo., endorsed President Bush on Oct. 24 -- "... Americans ... will be casting a vote for the person they deem most capable of protecting this nation from the apocalyptic dangers of Islamofascist terror. And the best man to carry out that transcendent governmental responsibility, in our view, is George W. Bush." The Washington Post endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We do not view a vote for Mr. Kerry as a vote without risks. But the risks on the other side are well-known, and the strengths Mr. Kerry brings are considerable. He pledges both to fight in Iraq and to reach out to allies, to hunt down terrorists and to engage without arrogance the Islamic world. These are the right goals, and we think Mr. Kerry is the better bet to achieve them."
  The Des Moines (Iowa) Register endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "It can be assumed that the next president, be it Bush or Kerry, will do everything in his power to make America safe from terrorism. ... But on the broad range of other issues, Kerry has more to offer. He is in touch with the middle class. He is better informed on health care and has sound ideas for creating jobs."
  The Chicago Sun-Times endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We want leaders to stay the course only when the course is a good one. ... The question that Americans need to ask themselves, going into the voting booth a week from Tuesday, is this: Do you like the direction our nation is heading? If the answer is no, then your vote should be for Sen. John Kerry."
  Quad-City Times, Davenport, Iowa, endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "We believe that after Nov. 2, our divided nation must be rejoined into a whole that can be so much greater than the sum of its fractured parts. John Kerry can provide that leadership."
  Daily Press, Newport News, Va., endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "A change in the White House will end the excesses of one-party domination. No single president will solve all of the complicated problems the nation faces, but John Kerry promises to start us back in the right direction."
  The Fort Collins Coloradoan endorsed Kerry on Oct. 24 -- "John Kerry is more likely to reunite a sorely divided nation than George Bush -- a quality that earns him our endorsement for president of the United States."
  The Bangor (Maine) Daily News endorsed Kerry on Oct. 23 -- The president has "squandered his opportunity to more effectively fight this global war through a fixation on Iraq that has alienated international support, turned good will into resentment and increased the danger to America."

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