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Version 2.2 – June 2024

This package provides Java classes to read and write Zip files. There are a number of different libraries that do this (including one built into the JDK) but I’ve not found any that gave me precise controls over the Zip internal, persisted data structures. This library allows you to control the output of all Zip data and should allow you to read and write Zip files with full precision.

To get started quickly using SimpleZip, see section Start Using Quickly. You can also take a look at the examples section of the document which has various working code packages. See section Example Code. There is also a PDF version of this documentation. For more information, see the SimpleZip home page.

Gray Watson http://256stuff.com/gray/

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1. Start Using Quickly

To use SimpleZip you need to do the following. For more information, see section Using SimpleZip.

First download SimpleZip from the SimpleZip release page. See section Downloading Jar. Or enable via maven. See section Using With Maven.

To read Zip files, you use the ZipFileInput class. Something like the following where input is a File or InputStream:

ZipFileInput zipInput = new ZipFileInput(input);
// readFileHeader() will return null when no more files to read
ZipFileHeader header = zipInput.readFileHeader();
// read file data and write to File (can read to buffer or OutputStream)
zipInput.readFileDataToFile(new File(header.getFileName());
// repeat until readFileHeader() returns null
// optionally read all of the directory entries and set permissions

To write Zip files you use the ZipFileOutput class. Something like the following where input is a File or OutputStream:

ZipFileOutput zipOutput = new ZipFileOutput(output);
// write a file-header to the zip-file
// write file data from File (can write buffer or InputStream)
zipOutput.writeFileData(new File("hello.txt"));
// ... repeat until all headers and file-data written

For more extensive instructions, see section Using SimpleZip.

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2. Using SimpleZip

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2.1 Downloading Jar

To get started with SimpleZip, you will need to download the jar file. The SimpleZip release page is the default repository but the jars are also available from the central maven repository.

The code works with Java 8 or later.

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2.2 Reading Zip Files

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2.2.1 Constructing a ZipFileInput

The main class that reads in Zip files is ZipFileInput. You can read in Zip data from a file-path string, File, or read it from an InputStream.

// read a file-path
ZipFileInput zipInput = new ZipFileInput("/tmp/file.zip");
// read a file
ZipFileInput zipInput = new ZipFileInput(new File("/tmp/file.zip"));
// read an InputStream
ZipFileInput zipInput = new ZipFileInput(inputStream);

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2.2.2 Reading Zip File Header Entries

Each file stored in a Zip file is preceded by a header record. You must first read in the header which contains the file-name and other metadata.

ZipFileHeader fileHeader = zipInput.readFileHeader();

The header contains the following information for each file entry:

The SimpleZip class representing the file-headser is ZipFileHeader.java.

If the crc32, compressed size, or uncompressed size fields are 0 then a data-descriptor will be written after the file-data. See Data Descriptor.

Immediately following the file-header is the file-data. If there are no more files to be read then readFileHeader() will return null.

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2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream

After reading the header, you can then read in the file data. You can have the ZipFileInput read the file-data and write the bytes to a file-path string, File, or to an OutputStream.

// read data and write to file output-path, typically from header
// or to a file directly
zipInput.readFileDataToFile(new File(fileHeader.getFileName()));
// or to an output stream, such as
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

You can also have ZipFileInput read file data as a series of buffers so you can stream large files. You should call readFileDataPart(...) until it returns EOF (-1).

byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while (true) {
   // can also read at offset and length
   int numRead = zipInput.readFileDataPart(buffer);
   if (numRead < 0) { break; }
   // process bytes in the buffer

By default you will be reading the decoded (i.e. decompressed) bytes. You can also read the raw bytes, without conversion, using similar read methods with "raw" in the name.

// read _raw_ file data and write to file output-path
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

If you would like to stream the file-data out of the Zip file, you can open up an InputStream on the file-data either in encoded or raw mode. Calls to read() on the InputStream turn around and call the read methods on the ZipFileInput.

// reading from input stream calls thru to zipInput.readFileDataPart()
// or zipInput.readRawFileData() methods
InputStream inputStream =
    zipInput.openFileDataInputStream(false /* not raw */);

Opening an input-stream allows you to read a Zip file from within another Zip file – or a jar within a war, etc..

Once all of the data has been read for a particular file, there may be a ZipDataDescriptor entry written after the file data. This entry is read automatically by the ZipFileInput. This descriptor is necessary in case the Zip file does not have the size or checksum/crc information at the start of the Zip file entry. See File Buffering.

// return data-descriptor after file-data was read or null if none
ZipDataDescriptor dataDesc = zipInput.getCurrentDataDescriptor();

The descriptor holds the following information and is represented in SimpleZip by the class ZipDataDescriptor.java.

Once all of the data has been read for a particular file and the optional descriptor has been read, you can then read the next header. See section Reading Zip File Header Entries.

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2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries

After all of the file headers and data in the Zip data, there are a series of central-directory entries written at the end of the Zip file which record extra information about each of the files and also provide the locations of the file-headers and data inside of the Zip file. You can read these entries if you would like.

// return next central-directory entry or null if none
ZipCentralDirectoryFileEntry directoryEntry =

The central-directory file entries hold the following information for each file in the Zip. Some of the fields are duplicates of the fields in the file-header. The entries are represented by the class ZipCentralDirectoryFileEntry.java.

If you have been reading file data directly out to disk using the zipInput.readFileData(File) method, you can modify the permissions on the file from the file-entry’s using something like the following.

// read in a directory entry
directoryEntry = zipInput.readDirectoryFileEntry();
// assign file permissions according to previous entry

Once the zipInput.readDirectoryFileHeader() returns null then you are at the very end of the zip-file where there is some end information that can be read.

// read the end of entry of the zip-file
CentralDirectoryEnd directoryEnd = zipInput.readDirectoryEnd();

The end entry holds the following information.

The SimpleZip class representing a central-directory end is ZipCentralDirectoryEnd.java.

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2.3 Writing Zip Files

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2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput

The main class that reads in Zip files is ZipFileOutput. You can write Zip data to a File, file-path string, or stream it out via an OutputStream.

// write to a file-path
ZipFileOutput zipOutput = new ZipFileOutput("/tmp/file.zip");
// write to a file
ZipFileOutput zipOutput =
    new ZipFileOutput(new File("/tmp/file.zip"));
// write to an OutputStream
ZipFileOutput zipOutput = new ZipFileOutput(outputStream);

The Zip file data starts with a file-header which contains (among other things) the compressed-size and checksum information that may not be known ahead of time. For files that are being deflated, these fields can be left as 0 in which case ZipFileOutput will write out a ZipDataDescriptor after the file data.

However, you can also turn on the buffering the file-data so we can calculate the compressed-size and crc checksum information beforehand, writing out a file-header with the size and checksum information filled in, removing the need for a ZipDataDescriptor.

// turn on buffering
zipOutput.enableFileBuffering(1024 * 1024 /* maxSizeBuffered */,
    100 * 1024 /* maxSizeInMemory */);

See the Javadocs for the enableFileBuffering(...) method for more information.

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2.3.2 Writing File Header Entries

File headers immediately precede the file-data in a Zip. You need to first create a ZipFileHeader using the ZipFileHeader.Builder class.

// build our header by setting fields with with...() and set...()
ZipFileHeader fileHeader = ZipFileHeader.builder()
// write the header to the zip output

Even though the method is writeFileHeader(...), the code may not write anything to disk immediately depending if buffering is enabled. Immediately after the header as been written, you should start writing the file-data.

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2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream

After writing the header you then write the file data. You can read in bytes to be written to the Zip file data from a file-path string, File, or stream it in via an InputStream.

// write bytes from file in specified path to the zip output
// write bytes from file to the zip output 
zipOutput.writeFileData(new File("file.txt");
// stream bytes from an inputStream to the zip output 

You can also have ZipFileOutput write file data from a series of buffers. You will need to call finishFileData() after all of the data is written.

// can also write at offset and length
// ... repeat until all bytes written
// after all bytes written you must call finish

By default ZipFileOutput will take your bytes and write them to the Zip file encoded (i.e. deflate/comopress). You can also write the raw bytes without conversion using similar write methods with "raw" in the name.

// write _raw_ file data from the file specified by output-path

If you would like to stream the file-data into the Zip file, you can open up an OutputStream for the file-data either in encoded or raw mode. Calls to write() on the OutputStream turn around and call the write methods on the ZipFileOutput.

// writing to output stream calls thru to zipOutput.writeFileDataPart()
// or zipOutput.writeRawFileData() methods
OutputStream outputStream =
    zipOutput.openFileDataOutputStream(false /* not raw */);

Opening an output-stream allows you to write a Zip file from within another Zip file – or a jar within a war, etc..

Once all of the data has been written for a particular file, the ZipFileOutput may automatically determine that it needs to write a ZipDataDescriptor entry with the sizes and crc checksum information.

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2.3.4 Writing Central-Directory Entries

By default the ZipFileOutput will record the ZipFileHeader entries that have been written to the Zip output so they can be written out as the central-directory file-entries at the end of the Zip data. While you are writing each file, you have the option to associate more information with the file that will be written in each file-entry.

// add information to the file header that was just written that
// it is a text-file

There are a number of other fields that can be written. See the javadocs for the ZipCentralDirectoryFileInfo for more information.

At the very end of the Zip file the ZipFileOutput will automatically write the ZipCentralDirectoryEnd information. It will use fields from the ZipCentralDirectoryFileInfo as well to write out the fields.

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2.4 Using With Maven

To use SimpleZip with maven, include the following dependency in your ‘pom.xml’ file:


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3. Various Parts of a Zip File

A Zip file is made up of the following pieces of information.

  1. file information (0 or multiple)
    1. file header, see ZipFileHeader.java
      • file-name
      • flags
      • compressed size
      • uncompressed size
      • checksum
      • ...
    2. file data (encoded bytes)
    3. optional data-descriptor, either in standard or Zip64 format, see ZipDataDescriptor.java
      • compressed size
      • uncompressed size
      • checksum
  2. central-directory file entries (0 or multiple), see ZipCentralDirectoryFileEntry.java
  3. optional Zip64 end, see Zip64CentralDirectoryEnd.java
  4. optional Zip64 end locator, see Zip64CentralDirectoryEndLocator.java
  5. central-directory end (summary information), see ZipCentralDirectoryEnd.java

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4. Example Code

Here is some example code to help you get going with SimpleZip. I often find that code is the best documentation of how to get something working. Please feel free to suggest additional example packages for inclusion here. Source code submissions are welcome as long as you don’t get piqued if we don’t chose your’s.

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5. Open Source License

This document is part of the SimpleZip project.

Copyright 2024, Gray Watson

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that this permission notice appear in all copies.


The author may be contacted via the SimpleZip home page.

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Index of Concepts

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Index Entry Section

avoiding data descriptor2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput

buffered file data2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput

central-directory end, reading2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries
central-directory end, writing2.3.4 Writing Central-Directory Entries
central-directory entries, reading2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries
central-directory entries, writing2.3.4 Writing Central-Directory Entries
code examples4. Example Code
copy zip file, example4. Example Code

data descriptor2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
data descriptor2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
data descriptor, avoiding2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput
downloading the jars2.1 Downloading Jar

example, zip file copy4. Example Code
examples of code4. Example Code
examples, simple1. Start Using Quickly
external file attributes2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries

file attributes, external2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries
file attributes, internal2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries
file data, buffering2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput
file header2.2.2 Reading Zip File Header Entries

getting started1. Start Using Quickly

how to download the jars2.1 Downloading Jar
how to get started1. Start Using Quickly
how to use2. Using SimpleZip

internal file attributes2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries

license5. Open Source License

Maven, use with2.4 Using With Maven

no data descriptor2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput

open source license5. Open Source License

pom.xml dependency2.4 Using With Maven

read from InputStream2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
read to File2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
read to File2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
read to OutputStream2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
read zip file data2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
read Zip files2.2 Reading Zip Files
read zip files2.2.1 Constructing a ZipFileInput
read zip within zip2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream

simple examples1. Start Using Quickly
simple zipSimpleZip
simple zip output example4. Example Code

using SimpleZip2. Using SimpleZip

where to get new jars2.1 Downloading Jar
write zip file data2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
write zip file header2.3.2 Writing File Header Entries
write Zip files2.3 Writing Zip Files
write zip files2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput
write zip within zip2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream

zip data end, reading2.2.4 Reading Zip Central-Directory Entries
zip data end, reading2.3.4 Writing Central-Directory Entries
zip file data2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
zip file data2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
zip file header2.2.2 Reading Zip File Header Entries
zip file header, writing2.3.2 Writing File Header Entries
zip file info example4. Example Code
zip within zip, reading2.2.3 Reading File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
zip within zip, writing2.3.3 Writing File Data to Buffer, File, or Stream
ZipFileHeader2.2.2 Reading Zip File Header Entries
ZipFileInput2.2.1 Constructing a ZipFileInput
ZipFileOutput2.3.1 Constructing a ZipFileOutput

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