Here's a quick "magic" number package that I whipped up which allows content-type (mime-type) determination from files and byte arrays. It makes use of the magic(5) Unix content-type files to implement the same functionality as the Unix file(1) command in Java which detects the contents of a file. It uses either internal config files or can read /etc/magic, /usr/share/file/magic, or other magic(5) files and determine file content from File, InputStream, or byte[].
The following is a quick code sample to help you get started using the library for mime-type detection.
// create a magic utility using the internal magic file ContentInfoUtil util = new ContentInfoUtil(); // if you want to use a different config file(s), you can load them by hand: // ContentInfoUtil util = new ContentInfoUtil("/etc/magic"); ... ContentInfo info = util.findMatch("/tmp/upload.tmp"); // or ContentInfo info = util.findMatch(inputStream); // or ContentInfo info = util.findMatch(contentByteArray); // display content type information if (info == null) { System.out.println("Unknown content-type"); } else { // other information in ContentInfo type System.out.println("Content-type is: " + info.getName()); }
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