Here's a doclet package which extracts HTML documentation from the Spring Request annotations and associated javadocs.
The following links point to some sample output that the doclet generates. You can also browse the code from which the documents were generated.
To use this doclet you will need to include something like the following into your Maven pom.xml and execute mvn site or run the javadoc command by hand.
<reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <version>?.?.?</version> <reportSets> <reportSet> <id>spring-request-doclet</id> <reports> <report>javadoc</report> </reports> <configuration> <name>Spring Request Doclet</name> <description>Spring Request documentation.</description> <doclet>com.j256.springrequestdoclet.SpringRequestDoclet</doclet> <docletArtifact> <groupId>com.j256.spring-request-doclet</groupId> <artifactId>spring-request-doclet</artifactId> <version>?.?.?</version> </docletArtifact> <useStandardDocletOptions>false</useStandardDocletOptions> <destDir>spring-request-docs</destDir> </configuration> </reportSet> </reportSets> </plugin> </plugins> </reporting>
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