
Safe For Kids Rating System

[ Part of how to label your pages with PICS meta tag. ]

It looks like the Safe For Kids home page has gone away so this rating may be skipable. It is a very simple single digit rating system however and it won't hurt to through it on your page. Basically, their ratings are a list of codes in the form:

s R

The R is a single digit rating of 0, 1, or 2.

Value Category
0 Safe for Kids
1 Parental Guidance
2 Adults Only


So if you've determined that your page should be for adults only, your Safe For Kids rating code would be:

s 2

The full Safe For Kids PICS meta tag would then be:

<meta http-equiv="pics-label" content='(PICS-1.1
  "http://www.weburbia.com/safe/ratings.htm" labels
    ratings (s 2))' />

Rating Values

0. Safe For Kids: Pages which are safe for kids even when unsupervised. You should use this rating only if your pages are squeaky clean. If in doubt, read the descriptions of the other ratings below.

Parental Guidance: Pages which are suitable for older kids when their parents or teachers are with them to supervise and offer guidance. These sites may have content which not all parents consider suitable for children.

It is impossible to state exactly what should be allowed under this rating rather than the adults only rating, since it depends on context and degree. You should be conservative in your judgements but as a guide, examples of content which may be included under this rating are:

  • limited nudity in an artistic or naturist context
  • drugs avoidance education
  • sex education for teenagers
  • games which simulate gambling
  • addictive games
  • hunting
  • pen-pal contacts
  • stories unsuitable for younger children because of some bad language or adult themes
  • Shocking subject such as cruelty to animals
  • Uncontrolled areas such as discussion forums

Adults Only: Pages which are not suitable for kids. Authors who use this rating should be aware that labels of this sort can be used in ways which they may not have intended. For example, it is possible that employers may use the system to restrict access to their employees at work. If you, as an author feel that they and others have a right to do this then you can use this label. The alternative, if you do not like censorship of any kind, is to not use any rating label at all on your pages. Parents should be advised to restrict access to their children so that they cannot see unlabeled pages when unsupervised.

Only you can judge if your site is suitable for adults only, but please be conservative. As a guide you should use this rating if your pages contain adult material such as any of the following or links to pages which have them.

  • pornographic images or stories
  • gratuitous bad language
  • drugs promotion
  • sex education for adults
  • gambling
  • violent images or horror stories
  • adult dating or contact services
  • pro-racism sexism or other prejudicial subjects
  • advertising of products for adults only including smoking and alcohol

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