
9/11 Pictures

My thoughts about the day can be found at 9/11/2001 Thoughts. A very interesting, detailed timeline of the events of the day at 9/11/2001 Timeline.

I've grabbed the following pictures to remind us of the horror of the day. I think it is important for us to remember our feelings and responses to the tragedy. One of the most striking is the side-by-side satellite image of the before and after.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not own the rights to any of the following images. I am republishing them here without permission. I do not know who the owners of these images are nor who to contact to get permission. If you republish them also without permission, you cannot use my name nor put a link to this site.

More pictures: the attack     World Trade Center collapse     video camera images of the pentagon crash     world reaction     cleanup site on Staten Island.

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