Blogging is a useful way for me to record my thoughts and digital travels every so often. Hope you enjoy my digital stream of consciousness.
Mr. Ridge, who described his decision in an afternoon news conference as "very difficult," had long been reported to be planning his exit from the Bush administration for personal reasons, so his departure did not come as a surprise.
Thanks for vast herds of bison to kill and skin leaving the
carcasses to rot.
Thanks for bounties on wolves and
Thanks for the American dream, To vulgarize and to
falsify until the bare lies shine through.
Yes, well I think that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but the Bible also teaches that pride is a sin, jealously is a sin, and hate is a sin, evil thoughts are a sin, and so I don't think that homosexuality should be chosen as the overwhelming sin that we are doing today.
Conservative and liberal Christians interpret the Bible in very different ways. This leads to two distinct and contradictory sets of beliefs within Christianity on just about every conceivable topic. Homosexuality is no exception.
We have been unable to change the beliefs or actions of any of these hundreds of people on even one point related to homosexuality. Their views appear to be fixed. It is doubtful that much progress towards compromise on homosexual rights can be made by means of dialogue. We don't expect that the attached essays will change the beliefs of many visitors to this web site. However, the essays may help people understand opinions that are not their own.
Microsoft Corp's chief executive [Steve Ballmer], appearing at the Asian Government Leaders' Forum in Singapore, said Linux violates more than 228 patents. "Someday... somebody will come and look for money owing to the rights for that intellectual property," Ballmer said in response to questioning.
Now we know why SCO keeps telling us the case is "just a contract" case, why it has a penchant for suing only those who are, or were, their licensees, and why it sued IBM instead of Red Hat. USL preserves its rights against licensees under the license agreements. I see no expanded rights against third parties who are not licensees, just the preexisting right to try to sue them, with the same likely outcome that USL experienced when it tried to sue the University and BSDi, using the same lame copyright claims that the judge back then found so unconvincing. The University agrees it won't stand in USL's way if they sue third parties.
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include: Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID) even after system crashes and power failures. Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed. Implements most of SQL92. (Features not supported) A complete database is stored in a single disk file...
By the end of 2005, they plan to have six dishes connected into a miniature power station capable of supplying enough 480-volt three-phase electricity to power about 40 homes (150 kW). The next step, in 2006, is a 40-dish power plant that will transform the combined output of the farm from 480 to 13,000 V, for distribution of industrial-level power to an existing substation. From 2007 to 2010, the program proposes mass-producing dishes to create a 20,000-dish farm supplying 230,000 V of long-haul power from its own substation directly connected to the grid.
Here's the page at Sandia National Laboratories about the project. Paneltec is making the curved solar collection panels.Members of a former software cracking group have discovered that audio files created with one of its cracked programs are distributed with each copy of the Windows XP operating system, possibly exposing Microsoft to a large-scale copyright infringement lawsuit.
The 150 marines with whom I traveled, Company B of the First Battalion, Eighth Marines, had it as tough as any unit in the fight. They moved through the city almost entirely on foot, into the heart of the resistance, rarely protected by tanks or troop carriers, working their way through Falluja's narrow streets with 75-pound packs on their backs. In eight days of fighting, Company B took 36 casualties, including 6 dead, meaning that one in four of the company was either wounded or killed in little more than a week. The sounds, sights and feel of the battle were as old as war itself, and as new as the Pentagon's latest weapons systems. The eerie pop from the cannon of the AC-130 gunship, prowling above the city, firing at guerrillas who were often only steps away from Americans on the ground. The weird buzz of the Dragon Eye pilotless airplane, hovering over the battlefield as its video cameras beamed real-time images back to the base.
Peter Crean, a senior research fellow at Xerox, says his company's laser printers, copiers and multifunction workstations, such as its WorkCentre Pro series, put the "serial number of each machine coded in little yellow dots" in every printout. The millimeter-sized dots appear about every inch on a page, nestled within the printed words and margins. "It's a trail back to you, like a license plate," Crean says. The dots' minuscule size, covering less than one-thousandth of the page, along with their color combination of yellow on white, makes them invisible to the naked eye, Crean says. One way to determine if your color laser is applying this tracking process is to shine a blue LED light--say, from a keychain laser flashlight--on your page and use a magnifier.
The process was led by religious cranks. Their declared aim, as they said then and never tire of repeating, is to drive all the Arabs out of the country that God promised us. And the land God promised us, as one of them reminded us on TV the other day, is not the "Palestine" of the British mandate, but the Promised Land - including Jordan, Lebanon and parts of Syria and Sinai. Quoting the Bible, another one declared that we have come to this country not only to inherit, but also to disinherit the others, to drive them out and take their place.
BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) on protocol request 38
We needed to add 'ForwardX11Trusted yes' parameter to the config file for specific local hosts."He was a fellow who felt that if you didn't need it, you shouldn't buy it," said Joe Marra, his former attorney. "Gene," as he was known, wanted to help others obtain the formal education he never had, Marra added.
Xgrid turns a group of Macs into a supercomputer, so they can work on problems greater than each individually could solve. You can let Xgrid operate in screensaver mode, so whenever you aren't working, your Mac can crunch away at some data set. Or if you have a group of Macs dedicated to the task, Xgrid makes it easy to set up a cluster that works around the clock, every day of the year.
The officials released few details and refused to say where the possibly diseased animal was found. They said it would be four to seven days before more could be confirmed, a delay that livestock industry representatives said would cause turmoil in the beef market.
Myhrvold and Jung won't exactly say. But they charge that Silicon Valley companies have stolen other people's inventions for too long while slashing their own R&D budgets. Referring to Intellectual Ventures' portfolio of patents as his own, he says, "If giant corporations are making billions of dollars off my ideas, I want something for it, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that."
Notice that this lawyer calls them "his" ideas.Tor helps to reduce the traffic analysis risk by distributing your transactions over several places on the Internet, so no single point can link you to your destination. To make private connections in Tor, a client incrementally builds a path or circuit of encrypted connections through servers on the network, extending it one step at a time so that each server in the circuit only learns which server extended to it and which server it has been asked to extend to. The client negotiates a separate set of encryption keys for each step along the circuit.
A number of news publications (including the staid Economist) were taken in by the hoax some mistakenly citing the information as having come from the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, or even IQ and the Wealth of States and published portions of the chart, and discussed it as if it were valid.
Back when Richard Thornburgh ran for the U.S. Senate, and lost, Thornburgh left behind an unpaid bill of almost $170,000 owed to Karl Rove & Co. for services in conducting a direct mail campaign. It is clear that the authorized campaign committeethe "Thornburgh for Senate Committee"had hired Rove & Co. and that it was liable. Unfortunately, the committee was broke.
Since the insertion of the tiny device in June, the 25-year-old has been able to check email and play computer games simply using thoughts. He can also turn lights on and off and control a television, all while talking and moving his head.
So why has this ideology resurfaced in 2004? Because it has to. The enrichment of the elite and impoverishment of the lower classes requires a justifying ideology if it is to be sustained. In the US this ideology has to be a religious one. Bush's government is forced back to the doctrines of Puritanism as an historical necessity.
In a typical month, prosecutors said during the trial, Jaynes might receive 10,000 to 17,000 credit card orders - thus making money on perhaps only one of every 30,000 e-mails that he sent out. But he earned $40 a pop, and the undertaking was so vast that Jaynes could pull in $400,000 to $750,000 a month, while spending perhaps $50,000 on bandwidth and other overhead, McGuire said.
The agency is being purged on instructions from the White House," said a former senior CIA official who maintains close ties to both the agency and to the White House. "Goss was given instructions ... to get rid of those soft leakers and liberal Democrats. The CIA is looked on by the White House as a hotbed of liberals and people who have been obstructing the president's agenda.
Common Cause of Ohio and the Alliance for Democracy, a progressive coalition, Thursday announced they were launching a recount campaign for Ohio. Columbus, Ohio attorney Cliff Arnebeck, who represents both groups, said both the Green Party and Libertarian Party presidential candidates would seek a recount if the $110,000 filing fee could be raised.
Black Box Voting has launched a fraud audit into Florida. Three investigators (Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson, and Kathleen Wynne) are in Florida right now. We will initiate hand counts on selected counties that have not fully complied with our Nov. 2 Freedom of Information request by Monday (Diebold counties) or Tuesday (other counties).
This "Internet in the sky," Peter Teets, under secretary of the Air Force, told Congress, would allow "marines in a Humvee, in a faraway land, in the middle of a rainstorm, to open up their laptops, request imagery" from a spy satellite, and "get it downloaded within seconds."
Many of the young people working on the solar project have never had a job, or seen anyone in their families have a job. The average wage in Kibera is $1 a day but a small solar panel which takes just a matter of minutes to put together can sell for around $5.
#1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again. #2. Bush's victory was the NARROWEST win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim provides a technology called 1-Wire, that uses a single wire (plus ground) to accomplish both communication and power transmission. A single bus master can feed multiple slaves over a single twisted-pair cable. An important aspect of this technology is that every slave has a globally unique digital address. This article discusses the protocol and introduces a variety of applications.
A Petition to immediately and without delay open a joint investigation into potential wrongdoing in the Presidential Election of 2004, specifically to investigate the potential of voting machine manipulation or purposeful malfunction, especially electronic voting machines manufactured and supplied by Diebold, Inc.; Electronic Systems & Software; Sequoia Voting Systems, and others...
But if by a Liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a Liberal, then I'm proud to say I'm a Liberal.
Assume that your customers don't know what they want. Design it yourself, based on your understanding of the domain. If you need to spend some time learning about the domain or if you need a domain expert to help you, that's fine, but the design of the software is your job. If you do your domain homework and create a good UI, the customer will be pleased.
Signing this license frees developers from being sued for IP infringements by Microsoft, but prevents you from working on GPL software.
Not only was the federal government encouraging the use of gas guzzlers through tax policy, it was losing tax revenue at the same time. If tax breaks for SUVs were eliminated, said Taxpayers for Common Sense, the government could collect $1.3 billion more in revenue over a 10-year period.
Only one of the four approved books even mentions contraceptives. The altered lessons teach students how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases in many ways -- including "getting plenty of rest" -- but not by using condoms. One actually suggests using latex gloves to avoid contact with blood but says nothing about using latex . . . you get the idea. Ironically, the state curriculum for health education still mandates that students ``analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of barrier protection and other contraceptive methods.'' But the books have expunged the information they're required to learn.
The way to counter disinformation from the Right is NOT to put out propaganda from the Left. Good journalism that is both reliable and interesting will be the key and professional journalists are the ones who can best provide credible information by maintaining high standards for accuracy.
James Carville, a Democrat who was an informal adviser to Mr. Kerry's campaign, told reporters that President Bush achieved a "monumental political achievement" in winning despite polls that showed deep concern about the direction of the country and unhappiness with his job performance. "If this is an election that we couldn't win . . ." Mr. Carville said, his voice trailing off, as he sat next to Mr. Shrum and Mr. Greenberg. "The purpose of a political party is to win elections, and we're not doing that.
The political party's job is not to "win elections" but to lead the country in the right direction. He's literally correct but so far in the box that his head's up his ass. I'll refer again to this article about Democratic Values. Right on.The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved." Yeah whatever John. We'll see when the next one happens. Unfortunately, the Constitution was laid waste along the way.
A map of the Dulles Annex exhibits was also published in Air & Space Magazine, and it too had the KH-9 off in the corner. So now that the space hangar is finally open, some people may wonder why there is no KH-9 to be seen anywhere in the facility.
Superadobe uses four-point barbed wire (or a similar element) between sandbag layers, allowing one to develop the tensile and shear capabilities that have not been previously achievable. The barbed wire element increases the friction factor between the bags and creates tensile resistance in a wall or structural element. It is an important aspect of Superadobe to provide for the transfer of shear stresses from one sandbag to another by using the barbed wire as an interface between the bags, overcoming problems of low shear capability in the earthen fill. The in creased capacity of the sandbags, achieved by using barbed wire, creates the capability of designing higher walls and curved surfaces, such as bearing walls, arches, domes and vaults.
A progressive and prophetic vision of faith and politics - was not running in this election. John Kerry was, and he lost. Kerry did not strongly champion the poor as a religious issue and "moral value," or make the war in Iraq a clearly religious matter.
ITER aims to lay the groundwork for using nuclear fusion as an inexhaustible and clean source of energy. It plans to create the technology that allows a fusion reactor to produce at least five times as much energy as is put in. ITER would take 10 years and cost about $5 billion.
The US is doing little to nothing to further fusion research. We're the leader on energy consumption but god help us all if we become the leader in clean energy production. Oh, no no no.The jury recommended that Jaynes spend nine years in prison and that DeGroot pay $7,500 in fines for violating Virginia's anti-spam law. A third defendant, Richard Rutkowski, 30, also of the Raleigh area, was acquitted of three felony counts.
The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorized and displaced... In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul, but in the end they produced an intense feeling of rejection of tyranny, and gave birth to a strong resolve to punish the oppressors. And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children.
As eager as the team was to test its mettle at other schools, some of the roughly two dozen members admit that they went the route of intercollegiate sports only because streaking at Hamilton had grown stale. Alex Klivecka, a junior majoring in religious studies, said that even when he ran in a mask, people on the school's paths were greeting him by name.
Some of you are dismayed by the emergence of a huge voting bloc of churchgoers. Stop viewing this as a threat, and start viewing it as an opportunity. Socially conservative blue-collar workers don't believe in the free market. They believe in the work ethic. Bush wins their votes by equating the free market with the work ethic. Show them where the free market betrays the work ethic, and they'll vote for the party of the work ethic -- you -- against the party of the free market.
When the waves lift and then lower the buoy, a piston connected to the bottom of the buoy drives a pump at the seas floor. The pressure created by the piston is strong enough to drive the sea water through a reverse osmosis filter, which removes salt and impurities from the water, and then to send the fresh water through a pipe to the shoreline.
While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce results in which the registered Democrat/Republican ratios largely matched the Kerry/Bush vote, in Florida's counties using results from optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a central tabulator PC and thus vulnerable to hacking the results seem to contain substantial anomalies.
Most of our influential Founding Fathers, although they respected the rights of other religionists, held to deism and Freemasonry beliefs rather than to Christianity.
Instead of having a letdown after stopping the New England Patriots' winning streak at 21 games last Sunday, the Steelers (7-1) pounded the Eagles (7-1), becoming the first N.F.L. team to defeat consecutive undefeated teams who had played at least six games.
Stewart: It's not
honest. What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan
hackery. And I will tell you why I know it.
Carlson: You had
John Kerry on your show and you sniff his throne and you're accusing
us of partisan hackery?
Stewart: Absolutely.
You've got to be kidding me. He comes on and you...
You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank
phone calls."
The Times' bulge story is the latest example of possible self-censorship by major news media during the election campaign. In September, CBS's 60 Minutes decided to delay until after the election an investigative segment that questioned the Bush administration's use of forged Niger uranium documents in making its case for the Iraq war, saying that "it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election.
[The Iraq] war, we warned, on a country that did not attack us, did not threaten us, did not want war with us, and had no role in 9/11, would be a tragedy and a disaster. Invade and we inherit our own West Bank of 23 million Iraqis, unite Islam against us, and incite imams from Morocco to Malaysia to preach jihad against America. So we wrote, again and again.
More than three months after the Supreme Court declared that hundreds of detainees at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts, none has appeared in a courtroom.
Ekman and Friesen ultimately assembled all these combinations and the rules for reading and interpreting them into the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, and wrote them up in a five-hundred-page binder... Researchers have employed the system to study everything from schizophrenia to heart disease; it has even been put to use by computer animators at Pixar ("Toy Story"), and at DreamWorks ("Shrek").
Where else do we find fundamentalist zeal, a rage at secularity, religious intolerance, fear of and hatred for modernity? Not in France or Britain or Germany or Italy or Spain. We find it in the Muslim world, in Al Qaeda, in Saddam Hussein's Sunni loyalists. Americans wonder that the rest of the world thinks us so dangerous, so single-minded, so impervious to international appeals. They fear jihad, no matter whose zeal is being expressed.
The election results reaffirmed that. Despite an utterly incompetent war performance in Iraq and a stagnant economy, Mr. Bush held onto the same basic core of states that he won four years ago - as if nothing had happened. It seemed as if people were not voting on his performance. It seemed as if they were voting for what team they were on.
I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style. That's what happened in the -- after the 2000 election, I earned some capital. I've earned capital in this election -- and I'm going to spend it for what I told the people I'd spend it on, which is -- you've heard the agenda: Social Security and tax reform, moving this economy forward, education, fighting and winning the war on terror.
It is easy to point to a niche voting-block like the "Religious Right" and say that they made the difference. However, consider that Bill Clinton, the pro choice/gay-rights Democrat would have wiped the floor with Bush had he been available. 59 million citizens elected Bush -- a relatively small percentage of whom are zealots. If Kerry won Ohio, the papers would talk about how chose the President.
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